Everyone is welcome to our special church service on the long bank holiday weekend for Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee. In the Bible, God tells us to “pray for kings and all those in authority”. God is the ultimate authority and so we will be obeying his instruction by praying for Queen Elizabeth and others in authority. We hope to see you at Dagenham Parish Church on Sunday 5th June at 10.30am
Category: Special events
Pandemic Memorial Service
There will be a roll call of those who have died (not just from Covid-19) since March 2020.
Please inform us of your loved one’s name to be included in the roll call.
Salt and light
How can we remain faithful to God in an increasingly broken and faithless world?
Come along to our event on Tuesday at 8pm at the church building and find out more about the work of the Christian Institute.
Close Encounters
Come and take a refreshing look at People Jesus helped.Sundays In July 3rd 10th 17th @ 4.30 to 6.00pm

Easter services @ DPC
Good Friday 25th March 10.30am
“Jesus is buried”
Easter Sunday 27th March 10.30am
“Jesus is Risen”
Come and understand this pivotal moment in human history. Make your own mind up.
Religion is not the answer…
Religion can’t make you right with God… It’s got nothing to do with what you do. Jesus shocked people when he said this!
Come along this Sunday (14 February) at 10.30 and find out more about the secret to being right with God. Everyone is welcome.
Guest Speaker (with lunch)
On Sunday February 7th we will be having a guest speaker at the 10.30 Morning service and this will be followed by a church lunch at which the guest speaker will also feature. We are all are invited. If you would like to contribute to the lunch please contact Karen Fenn who will be coordinating the food for lunch.
Christmas at DPC
Invading superpower forces people on long march…
In the turmoil a baby is born in a barn…
Later, the family escape from killers.
2000 years later, the world celebrates his birth.
We call it Christmas. His name is Jesus.
Please join us to find out more…
At Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club, Victoria Road
Saturday 19th December
Carol service
At the Church Building, Church Lane
Sunday 20th December
Family carol service
Main carol service
Christmas Eve
Midnight service
Christmas Day
For all the family
Please contact us for more information, or work out how to find us here.
Join us at Epic Explorers – and solve the mystery of a lifetime!
Come with us to ‘Adventure Island’ as we explore the life of Jesus with games, crafts, activities and..….. lots of fun!
Parents and Guardians please note: We will need to receive completed registration/consent forms in order for children to attend the club. Download your form here.
For more information, call: 07740 777568
The Story of Esther Video
If you missed the dramatised reading from Sunday, you can watch it again here.