New visitors Welcome!

Sunday Church at 10.30 a.m.

Sunday school during term time

Wednesday Church 10.30 a.m.

(On Wednesdays we meet in the small hall)




Who are we??

Dagenham Parish Church is a family of Christians that want to love Jesus Christ more, grow more like him and to reveal his kindness to others.

The early Christians met up to listen to what God is saying in the Bible.  And they met to eat meals together, pray for one another and look after each other.

Two thousand years later we haven’t stopped!

Everyone is welcome to join us whether you are wanting to find out about God or you are already a Christian.


In obedience to Jesus’ command to love others, we are committed to safeguarding all who suffer or are at risk of abuse.

The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be  found on the Church of England’s website:, or on the
Safeguarding pages of the Chelmsford Diocese:

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Maureen Waruinge.  You may contact her by email at  or via the website using the contact us tab